Kawaii at the Movies: 5 reasons to watch Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast

The scenery and costumes

We consider Beauty and the Beast responsible for giving us unrealistic expectation about clothes and decors! Beast’s castle is a real masterpiece in every single detail: we were left mouth open in many occasions. Also, the costumes are simply incredible, starting from Belle’s famous yellow dress, here in a re-designed version. Who would not live in a castle like that and with a (singing) wardrobe like that?

Beauty and the Beast

The music

You know we love musicals and Beauty and the Beast falls in this category. Unlike Cinderella or Maleficent, in fact, there are the songs of the old movie, with some new tunes. And this is maybe the only false note, at least for Italians. In fact, the lyrics were readapted in the dubbing process, with few exceptions: it’s an understandable choice, but it will upset the ones who know the old movie word by word. Despite this, the choice of a musical movie was on point: it would not be Beauty and the Beast without the choreography of dishes and glasses to the tune of “Be our guest”!


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